City-Test - City Water Test Kit - MYRON L
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City-Test - City Water Test Kit

City Water Test Kit

For testing of 8 municipal water supply parameters.

Retail Price : $0.00
Our Low Price : $0.00

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This simple, affordable one-of-a-kind kit tests for 8 of the most common and potentially hazardous contaminants found in drinking water Bacteria, Lead, Pesticides, Nitrates, Nitrites, Chlorine, pH and Hardness . Sample your water today and watch results appear right before your eyes!

Product Description:

- Get professional lab results in your own home
- Find out if you have "hard water"
- Detect dangerous amounts of chlorine
- Test for presence of bacteria
- Reveal the presence of deadly toxins from pesticides or fertilizers
- Learn your water's pH balance
- Compare your results to EPA-recommended levels
- Single use


  • 1 Bacteria Test Vial
  • 1 Lead / Pesticide Test Strip
  • 1 Nitrate / Nitrite Test Strip
  • 1 pH / Hardness / Chlorine Test Strip


Related Categories

  • Water Testing and Monitoring Products
  • Iron Testing
  • Iron and Hardness Test Cube
  • Bacteria Testing
  • City-Test - City Water Test Kit

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